Metal 3D Printer Filament: What You Need to Know About DIY Metal Printing

Intro to Metal 3D Printer Filament

In the dynamic world of 3D printing, the materials you choose can significantly influence the outcome of your project. One such exciting material is metal 3D printer filament, which brings together the ease of Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) and the robustness of metal. This filament is not purely metallic but rather a composite, combining metal powders with a polymer binder, typically PLA or ABS, which acts as a carrying medium during the printing process.

Definition and Composition

Metal 3D printer filament is essentially a blend of finely ground metal powders encapsulated within a plastic matrix. The ratio of metal to plastic can vary, but usually, it’s around 80:20 or 70:30, metal to plastic respectively. Common metals used include bronze, copper, stainless steel, and even precious metals like gold and silver. The resulting filament retains the handling characteristics of regular thermoplastic filament while embodying the aesthetic and mechanical properties of metal.

Evolution and Current Trends

Source: ColorFabb via

Over the years, the quality, variety, and applications of metal filaments have grown exponentially. Nowadays, metal 3D printing filaments are being used not just by hobbyists but also in industrial settings for prototyping, custom parts manufacturing, and artistic creations.

As 3D printing continues to evolve, so does the diversity of metal filaments. The market now offers a range of metal-infused filaments with different properties catering to a broad spectrum of applications.

Concurrently, the 3D printing community is continually exploring new ways to optimize printing techniques with metal filaments, aiming to unlock even more of its potential.

Weighing the Ease of Use of Metal 3D Printer Filament

Metal 3D Printer Filament vs PLA, ABS, etc.

When it comes to ease of use, traditional and more flexible 3d printer filaments like PLA and ABS have been the go-to choices for both novices and seasoned 3D printing enthusiasts. Their predictable behavior, straightforward printing settings, and the minimal learning curve they present make them highly appealing. The advent of metal-infused filaments adds a new dimension to the 3D printing landscape, albeit with a steeper learning curve.

Metal-infused filaments, with their unique blend of thermoplastic and metal particles, offer a gateway to metallic 3D printing on standard FFF printers. However, the journey is not as straightforward. The abrasive nature of metal particles demands hardware modifications like upgrading to a hardened steel or ruby nozzle to withstand wear. Furthermore, achieving the right balance of temperature settings for both the hotend and the heated bed is crucial, and may require a period of trial and error to dial in the optimal settings.

Post Processing

The post-processing of metal-infused filament prints is where the challenge, and the allure, lie. While PLA 3d prints and 3D prints done with ABS can be easily sanded and painted, metal-infused filaments offer the promise of a true metallic finish through processes like sanding, polishing, and sintering. However, these processes are time-consuming and may require specialized equipment, especially for sintering.

In terms of storage, metal-infused filaments are susceptible to oxidation, demanding a dry and cool storage environment to maintain their quality,

metal 3D printer filament
Source: BASF via

whereas while PLA and ABS also benefit from dry storage, you don’t have to worry about your expensive roll of filament rusting!

In the end, the choice between traditional and metal 3D printer filament hinges on the balance of (the relative) ease against the allure of 3D printing metal.

Printer Compatibility with Metal 3D Printer Filament

The abrasive nature of metal filaments demands certain modifications or considerations regarding the printer’s hardware to ensure a successful printing experience. Below are key aspects to consider:

  • Nozzle Material Standard nozzles, often made of brass, are prone to wear when used with metal filaments due to the abrasive nature of the metal particles. Upgrading to a hardened steel or ruby nozzle is a wise choice as these materials can withstand the abrasion, ensuring a longer nozzle life and consistent printing performance.
  • Hotend Capability Metal filaments often require higher extrusion temperatures compared to standard PLA or ABS. Ensuring your hotend can reliably reach and maintain the required temperatures is crucial. Some printers come with hotends capable of handling these higher temperatures, while others might necessitate an upgrade.
  • Extruder Design The extruder must have a firm grip on the filament to ensure consistent feeding. Some printers feature extruders with adjustable tension which can be beneficial when working with metal filament. Additionally, a direct drive extruder may offer better control and consistency compared to a Bowden setup, especially with the unique feeding demands of metal filament.
  • Printer Frame Rigidity The increased density of metal filament can result in heavier prints. A rigid frame helps in maintaining accuracy and consistency throughout the printing process, especially for larger or taller prints.
  • Heated Bed A heated bed can significantly improve first layer adhesion, which is crucial for a successful print. Metal filaments benefit from a heated bed, and having control over the bed temperature allows for better adhesion and reduced warping.

Mastering Temperature Management for Metal Filament Printing

Temperature management key to successful metal filament 3D printing. The unique composition of metal-infused filaments demands a precise balance of temperature settings to ensure smooth extrusion, strong layer bonding, and ultimately, a high-quality print. Here are the critical facets of temperature management when working with metal filaments:

  • Hotend Temperature Metal filaments often require a higher extrusion temperature compared to standard PLA or ABS due to the presence of metal particles. The precise temperature range will depend on the specific filament brand and type. It’s a delicate balance: too low and the filament may not extrude smoothly; too high and you may experience oozing or even damage the filament.
  • Bed Temperature As we mentioned above, a heated bed is almost indispensable when printing with metal filaments. It significantly improves first layer adhesion, which is crucial for the success of the print. The recommended bed temperature may vary, but a good starting point is often between 45°C to 60°C.
  • Temperature Stability Maintaining stable temperatures throughout the print is crucial. Fluctuations in hotend or bed temperature can lead to inconsistencies in layer bonding, which may compromise the structural integrity and aesthetics of the print.
  • Enclosure Temperature If your printer has an enclosure, maintaining a stable, warm environment can help reduce warping and improve layer adhesion. This is particularly helpful in drafts or colder workspaces.
  • Cooling Fans Unlike standard filaments, metal filaments might benefit from a reduced cooling fan speed or even having the fans turned off, especially during the initial layers to prevent warping and to ensure better layer bonding.
  • Slicer Settings Utilize the advanced settings in your slicing software to fine-tune temperature settings for different stages of the print. This might include adjusting the initial layer temperatures or tweaking the temperature for overhangs and bridges.

Debinding and Sintering: Unveiling the Metallic Core

Creating a fully metallic object, as opposed to a hybrid, from metal filament is a two-step process, beginning with printing, followed by debinding and sintering. These debinding and sintering processes transform a metal-infused print into a solid metal object, enhancing its mechanical properties and bringing it closer to a traditionally manufactured metal part.

metal 3D printer filament
Gizmo Dorks copper infused filament from Amazon

Creating a fully metallic object, as opposed to a hybrid, from metal filament is a two-step process, beginning with printing, followed by debinding and sintering. These debinding and sintering processes transform a metal-infused print into a solid metal object, enhancing its mechanical properties and bringing it closer to a traditionally manufactured metal part.

1. Debinding:

  • Purpose: Debinding is the process of removing the polymer binder from the printed object, leaving behind a porous metal structure. It’s a crucial step that prepares the printed part for sintering.
  • Methods:
    • Solvent Debinding: A solvent is used to dissolve away the binder. The choice of solvent depends on the binder material.
    • Thermal Debinding: The binder is burnt off at elevated temperatures in a controlled atmosphere to prevent oxidation.
  • Considerations:
    • Uniform Debinding: Achieving uniform debinding is crucial to prevent defects in the sintering stage.
    • Debinding Equipment: Specialized equipment may be required to control the debinding process accurately.

2. Sintering:

  • Purpose: Sintering fuses the metal particles together, densifying the structure and significantly enhancing its mechanical properties.
  • Process:
    • Initial Stage: The debound part is heated in a sintering furnace under a controlled atmosphere to just below the metal’s melting point, allowing the metal particles to fuse together without melting.
    • Densification: The part shrinks as the spaces between metal particles are eliminated, leading to a densification of the structure.
  • Considerations:
    • Temperature Control: Precise temperature control is crucial to prevent overheating and to ensure uniform sintering.
    • Atmosphere Control: The controlled atmosphere prevents oxidation and other chemical reactions that could affect the final properties of the object.
    • Shrinkage: The part will shrink during sintering, which needs to be accounted for during the design and printing stage.

3. Equipment and Environment:

  • Furnace/Kiln: A sintering furnace capable of reaching the required temperatures and maintaining a controlled atmosphere is essential.
  • Safety Measures: Due to the high temperatures involved, adequate safety measures including proper ventilation and heat-resistant tools are necessary.

4. Benefits and Limitations:

  • Enhanced Properties: Sintering significantly enhances the mechanical properties of the part, bringing them closer to that of traditionally manufactured metal parts.
  • Complexity and Cost: The debinding and sintering process adds complexity and cost to the metal 3D printing process, requiring additional equipment and expertise.

5. Applications:

  • Industrial Prototyping and Production: Debinding and sintering are particularly valuable in industrial settings for prototyping and low-volume production of metal parts.
  • Custom Artwork and Jewelry: Artists and jewelers can explore unique designs unachievable through traditional metalworking techniques.
metal 3D printer filament

Debinding and sintering are akin to unveiling the true metallic essence hidden within the printed composite structure. Though it demands additional steps and considerations, and is, well, just plain tricky to get right if you’re doing it yourself, the ideal result is a robust, fully metallic object that embodies the envisioned fusion of design flexibility and metallic strength. You can open a whole new dimension of possibilities to your of 3D printing.

Conclusion: Metal 3D Printer Filament

While it poses challenges and a learning curve compared to traditional filaments, metal 3D printer filament offers the seductive promise of crafting metal-infused objects, with enhanced strength and a genuine metallic finish. It opens intriguing possibilities for enthusiasts and professionals in the 3D printing arena.


  1. What is metal 3D printer filament made of?
    • Metal 3D printer filament is a composite material made of finely ground metal particles mixed with a thermoplastic binder, usually PLA or ABS. The metal particles can include materials like bronze, copper, stainless steel, or even precious metals like gold and silver.
  2. How does metal filament compare to traditional filaments like PLA or ABS?
    • While traditional filaments like PLA and ABS are easier to print with and require minimal hardware modifications, metal filament offers the allure of metallic aesthetics and enhanced mechanical properties. However, it demands a higher level of precision, hardware upgrades like a hardened nozzle, and potentially more advanced post-processing steps like debinding and sintering to achieve a fully metallic object.
  3. Is special equipment required for printing with metal filament?
    • Besides a suitable nozzle, such as one made from hardened steel or ruby, metal filament printing might require a heated bed for better adhesion and possibly an enclosure to maintain consistent printing temperatures. Post-processing to achieve a metallic finish or to enhance mechanical properties may require additional equipment like a sintering furnace.
  4. What are the post-processing steps for metal filament prints?
    • Post-processing can include sanding and polishing to achieve a smooth metallic finish. For a more robust and denser metal object, debinding and sintering processes are employed to remove the binder and fuse the metal particles together, respectively.
  5. Can metal filament be used in any 3D printer?
    • Many small desktop 3D printers are compatible with metal 3D printer filament. But not all 3D printers are suited for it. It’s essential to ensure that your printer can handle the abrasive nature of metal filament, which may require a nozzle upgrade. Additionally, precise temperature control for both the hotend and the bed is crucial for successful printing with metal filament. It’s advisable to check the printer’s specifications and possibly consult with the manufacturer or the community to determine compatibility.

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Chuck Manning

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can be used to create new things, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the world of 3D printing that I found my true passion. Today, I continue to pursue my hobby with the same passion and dedication, always looking for new and exciting ways to push the boundaries of 3D printing.

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