Best Enclosed 3D Printer: An In-Depth Guide and Top 5 Review

When you’re on the hunt for the best enclosed 3D printer, there’s no shortage of models to choose from. Enclosed 3D printers offer a host of advantages and are widely considered to be a ‘must’, whether you’re a seasoned professional or a 3D printing novice.

But it’s not just about being enclosed; it’s also about how it stacks up against open 3D printers. And the differences are quite compelling: from better temperature control to improved safety, enclosed 3D printers are really worth their salt.

Reviewed in this Post for the Best Enclosed 3D Printer:

Benefits of Using an Enclosed 3D Printer

If you’ve ever wondered why the design of 3D printers varies so much, the answer lies in the distinct advantages each design brings to the table. One of the most significant leaps in design has been the advent of enclosed 3D printers, and it’s not just about looks! Let’s delve into the major benefits of using an enclosed 3D printer:

  • Superior Temperature Control: An enclosed 3D printer offers an enhanced temperature-controlled environment. This is especially beneficial when working with materials such as ABS, which contract as they cool. An abrupt change in temperature can cause your print to warp or crack, ruining the final result. An enclosed printer mitigates this issue by maintaining a consistent temperature, leading to high-quality prints with less chance of failure.
  • Noise Reduction: If you’ve ever had an open 3D printer whirring away next to you, you’ll appreciate this benefit. Enclosed 3D printers dampen the sound produced during printing. The enclosed design acts as a barrier that blocks out a significant amount of noise, making for a quieter printing process. This is particularly useful if you’re using the printer in a shared space, like an office or classroom, where the noise could be disruptive.
  • Safety Measures: Enclosed 3D printers are typically safer to use, especially in environments with children or pets. The enclosed design ensures that hot and moving parts are out of reach, reducing the risk of accidental burns or injuries. It also prevents any accidental interference with the print process that could lead to failed prints or, worse, damage to the machine.
  • Improved Print Quality: When you combine consistent temperature, reduced risk of warping, and fewer chances of accidental disturbances, the result is a significant boost in print quality. Enclosed 3D printers are known for producing high-quality prints with a fine finish. This makes them a favorite choice among professionals and hobbyists who require a high degree of precision and detail in their printed objects.
  • Reduced Emissions: Some materials used in 3D printing, such as ABS, can produce fumes that are unpleasant and potentially harmful over time. Enclosed 3D printers help contain these emissions, reducing exposure. Many enclosed printers also have the option to install a filtration system to further purify the air and minimize odors.

Considerations When Choosing an Enclosed 3D Printer

When choosing the best enclosed 3D printer for your needs, there are several factors to consider. Build volume can make or break your printing projects, so it’s important to choose a printer that fits your specific needs. The print quality can also vary among different models, so looking for a high resolution 3D printer is key. Another crucial factor is material compatibility; some printers support a wide range of filaments, expanding the variety of projects you can undertake. Connectivity options and price also play a huge role in your final decision.

The Best Enclosed 3d Printer: Our 2023 Top 5 Review

Flashforge Finder 3 3D Printer

The Flashforge Finder 3 3D Printer is the latest entry in the company’s line of user-friendly, entry-level 3D printers. From the moment you unpack it, it’s clear that this model continues the trend of prioritizing user experience and convenience, making it an excellent choice for beginners or those looking for a hassle-free printing process.

Design and Build Quality

Flashforge has continued its trend of delivering sleek and sturdy designs. The Finder 3 maintains the signature closed-frame design of its predecessors, lending it a clean, compact look.

This enclosed design also serves the practical purpose of maintaining temperature control during printing, reducing the chance of print failures.

The build volume is quite ample for a printer of its class, offering a size of 140 x 140 x 140 mm, allowing for a decent range of print sizes. The print bed is not heated but it is removable and flexible, making the process of print removal quite convenient.

Performance and Features

The Finder 3 has several key features:

  • Assisted Bed Leveling: This feature makes the printer easier to use for beginners. It helps to ensure accurate prints by maintaining the correct distance between the nozzle and the bed.
  • Quiet Operation: The Flashforge Finder 3 operates with minimal noise, a major plus for those who print in a home or office environment.
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity: Users can send print jobs via Wi-Fi, adding to the convenience of use. This is a nice touch, especially in an era when we’re used to having devices connected.
  • Touchscreen Interface: The printer has a simple and user-friendly touchscreen interface, making it easier for beginners to navigate through various settings and controls.
  • Filament Detection: The printer also comes equipped with filament detection, pausing the print job when the printer runs out of filament.

One of the most impressive features is the print quality. The Finder 3 uses Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technology and is compatible with PLA filament. The layer resolution can go as low as 50 microns, ensuring detailed and high-quality prints. Prints come out smooth and well-detailed, with little to no post-processing needed in most cases.

Software and Support

Flashforge uses its proprietary slicing software, Flashprint, which is easy to use for beginners and robust enough for experienced users who desire more control over their prints. The printer is also compatible with third-party slicers like Cura and Simplify3D, allowing for versatility.

Flashforge offers comprehensive support with an extensive online knowledge base, forums, and responsive customer service. This makes troubleshooting any issues with the Finder 3 relatively painless.


  • Excellent print quality
  • User-friendly design and operation
  • Quiet operation
  • Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Responsive customer support


  • Limited to PLA filaments
  • Lack of heated print bed can limit some printing options

In conclusion, the Flashforge Finder 3 is a solid 3D printer for beginners or those looking for a user-friendly printing experience. It offers excellent print quality, an intuitive user interface, and a slew of useful features, making it a great entry-level printer. While the filament restrictions and lack of a heated bed may deter more advanced users, the ease of use and overall value make it a worthwhile consideration.

Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer

best enclosed 3d printer

The Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer is an affordably priced and fully enclosed 3D printer that packs a host of features for both beginners and experienced 3D printing enthusiasts. Its closed-frame design, along with its rich feature set, make it an attractive option for those looking to get started in the world of 3D printing.

Design and Build Quality

The Voxel exhibits a sleek, black, and fully enclosed design. It sports a compact build and robust construction, ensuring stability during printing. The closed nature of the printer aids in maintaining a consistent printing environment, minimizing issues like warping or shrinkage, especially when using materials that are sensitive to temperature variations.

The printer provides a reasonably sized build volume of 150 x 150 x 150 mm, which is suitable for a range of small to medium-sized projects. The machine also features a heated and removable build plate, enabling easier removal of completed prints and expanding the range of compatible filament types.

Performance and Features

Here are some of the key features of the Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer:

  • Auto-Leveling: This feature helps to simplify the initial setup and ongoing operation by automatically calibrating the print bed.
  • Quick Change Nozzle: This design choice allows for easy swapping of the nozzle without requiring major disassembly.
  • Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and USB Connectivity: These options offer flexibility in how users can send their designs to the printer.
  • Touchscreen Interface: A 2.8″ color IPS touchscreen makes navigating the printer’s settings a breeze.
  • Built-In Camera: A unique feature of the Voxel is an integrated camera for monitoring print jobs remotely.

The Voxel supports a variety of filaments, including PLA, ABS, and exotic materials, offering users more flexibility in their printing projects. It delivers prints with a layer resolution down to 50 microns, ensuring good detail and quality in the final output. The proprietary slicing software, as well as compatibility with popular third-party slicers, enhances the user experience.

Software and Support

The Voxel comes with its proprietary MP FlashPrint software, which is user-friendly and suitable for beginners. More experienced users may prefer to use third-party slicing software, and the printer’s compatibility with software like Cura or Simplify3D ensures this is a viable option.

Monoprice offers extensive support with online manuals, tutorials, and a responsive customer service team. This ensures that help is readily available when required, which is particularly beneficial for beginners.


  • High-quality, detailed prints
  • Auto-leveling bed
  • Heated and removable build plate
  • Robust connectivity options
  • Built-in camera for remote monitoring


  • Proprietary filament spool size may limit filament choices
  • Some users have reported difficulties with the touchscreen interface

Overall, the Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer is a compelling package that offers a good balance of price, features, and performance. While it does have some minor shortcomings, they are largely overshadowed by its ease of use, quality of output, and versatility. Whether you’re a beginner just starting in 3D printing or an experienced hobbyist seeking a reliable and feature-rich printer, the Voxel deserves serious consideration.

Flashforge Creator Pro 2 3D Printer

The Flashforge Creator Pro 2 is an improved version of its successful predecessor, presenting a dual extrusion 3D printer that boasts multiple new enhancements while maintaining the core features that made the original model a hit. Designed with hobbyists, educators, and small businesses in mind, the Creator Pro 2 stands out as an exciting addition to the 3D printing market.

Design and Build Quality

The Creator Pro 2 is built with a sturdy, metal frame that provides stability during printing.

It features a fully enclosed design that aids in temperature regulation, reducing warping and improving print quality, especially when using materials sensitive to temperature fluctuations.

The printer offers a build volume of 200 x 148 x 150 mm, which is suitable for a wide variety of projects. It also includes a heated aluminum build platform that ensures better adhesion and easy removal of prints, enhancing the printer’s overall user-friendliness.

Performance and Features

Notable features of the Flashforge Creator Pro 2 include:

  • Dual Extrusion: Allows printing with two different colors or materials simultaneously.
  • Heated Build Plate: Ensures better adhesion and easy print removal.
  • Wide Range of Compatible Materials: Supports PLA, ABS, PVA, HIPS, and more.
  • Wi-Fi and USB Connectivity: Gives flexibility in how users can send their designs to the printer.
  • Touchscreen Interface: A user-friendly touchscreen for easy navigation and operation.

The real standout feature here is the independent dual extrusion system (IDEX), which allows for printing two objects simultaneously or using two-color printing. This significantly enhances productivity and enables more complex designs.

In terms of print quality, the Creator Pro 2 does not disappoint. It can print with a resolution as low as 50 microns, delivering highly detailed and accurate prints. The printer operates relatively quietly, making it suitable for both home and office environments.

Software and Support

Flashforge’s proprietary slicing software, FlashPrint, is bundled with the printer. It is easy to use for beginners, while still offering advanced features for more experienced users. The printer also supports third-party slicers for added flexibility.

Flashforge’s customer support is robust, providing a range of resources including an extensive online knowledge base, forums, and responsive customer service. This makes the process of troubleshooting relatively straightforward and accessible.

best enclosed 3D printer


  • Independent dual extrusion increases printing possibilities
  • Wide range of compatible materials
  • Fully enclosed design improves print quality
  • Heated build plate ensures better adhesion and easy print removal
  • Excellent customer support


  • Larger footprint might not suit all workspaces
  • Some users have reported a steep learning curve with the dual extrusion system

In conclusion, the Flashforge Creator Pro 2 offers a solid upgrade from its predecessor, with the independent dual extrusion system being a significant highlight. While there may be a learning curve associated with the advanced features, the printer’s versatility, wide material compatibility, and overall performance make it a compelling option for both beginners and more experienced users.

Zortrax M200 Plus 3D Printer

Image credit: MatterHackers

The Zortrax M200 Plus 3D Printer is a high-end, professional-grade printer that boasts a range of features designed to streamline and optimize the 3D printing process. Building on the foundation set by the original M200, the Plus version introduces significant enhancements in connectivity, usability, and monitoring capabilities.

Design and Build Quality

The M200 Plus carries forward the solid, robust design of its predecessor, boasting a sturdy aluminum frame and an enclosed build chamber that ensures stable printing conditions. The enclosed design helps to maintain a consistent temperature, reducing warping and improving print quality when using temperature-sensitive materials.

The printer offers a decent build volume of 200 x 200 x 180 mm, which is sufficient for a wide variety of projects. The heated perforated build plate ensures better adhesion of the first layer and prevents warping, making the print removal process easier and more convenient.

Performance and Features

Key features of the Zortrax M200 Plus include:

  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet Connectivity: Enables remote printer management.
  • Touchscreen Interface: A user-friendly touchscreen for easy navigation and operation.
  • Inbuilt Camera: Allows for remote monitoring of the printing process.
  • Material End Detection: Pauses the print when the filament runs out.
  • Heated Build Plate: Enhances print adhesion and prevents warping.

Zortrax’s M200 Plus is known for its excellent print quality. It uses the Layer Plastic Deposition (LPD) technology and can print with a resolution of up to 90 microns, which results in finely detailed prints. Moreover, it supports a wide range of proprietary filaments, including Z-ABS, Z-HIPS, Z-ULTRAT, and more, which offers greater flexibility for users.

Software and Support

The M200 Plus uses Zortrax’s proprietary slicing software, Z-SUITE, which is well-regarded for its user-friendly interface and advanced features. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac OS and supports popular 3D file formats.

Zortrax offers comprehensive support with a detailed online manual, a variety of tutorial videos, and responsive customer service. This ensures that any issues can be quickly addressed and resolved.


  • Excellent print quality
  • Robust and durable build
  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet connectivity for remote management
  • Inbuilt camera for remote print monitoring
  • Heated build plate improves print adhesion


  • Proprietary filaments can be more expensive than generic alternatives
  • Lack of a dual extruder limits printing possibilities

In conclusion, the Zortrax M200 Plus is a top-tier 3D printer that delivers on its promise of superior print quality and advanced features. While the cost and reliance on proprietary filament may deter some users, the high-quality output, robust build, and user-friendly features make it a worthy investment for professionals and serious hobbyists alike.

Ultimaker S5 3D Printer

The Ultimaker S5 is a high-end, professional-grade 3D printer that stands as one of the flagship models of the renowned Dutch company. It provides a large build volume, dual extrusion capabilities, and a plethora of features designed to deliver consistent, high-quality prints for professionals and businesses.

Design and Build Quality

The Ultimaker S5 boasts a solid, fully enclosed design with a transparent front door and a removable glass build plate. Its robust aluminum frame ensures stability and durability, critical for consistent print quality. The generous build volume of 330 x 240 x 300 mm caters well to large-scale print projects or batch printing of smaller parts.

The printer features an easy-to-use touchscreen interface, delivering a seamless user experience. The heated glass build plate and the fully enclosed design contribute to improved print adhesion, consistency, and safety.

Performance and Features

Some of the standout features of the Ultimaker S5 include:

  • Dual Extrusion: Allows for multi-color or multi-material printing, including support materials.
  • Enhanced Bed Leveling: Uses an advanced active leveling technology to ensure a perfect first layer.
  • Wide Range of Compatible Materials: Supports a broad selection of materials, including PLA, ABS, Nylon, and more.
  • Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and USB Connectivity: Provides versatility in how users can send their designs to the printer.
  • Touchscreen Interface: An intuitive 4.7-inch touchscreen makes the printer easy to operate and navigate.

The Ultimaker S5’s standout feature is its print quality. Thanks to its dual extrusion system, large build volume, and high layer resolution (down to 20 microns), it delivers exceptional print quality, making it suitable for intricate and detailed designs.

Software and Support

The printer comes bundled with Ultimaker’s proprietary Cura slicing software, which provides an impressive array of customizable settings for those who want a fine level of control over their prints, while still remaining user-friendly for novices.

Ultimaker also offers strong customer support, including an online knowledge base, community forums, and a dedicated support team, making it easier for users to troubleshoot and get the help they need.


  • Exceptional print quality
  • Large build volume
  • Dual extrusion system for more versatile printing
  • Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and USB connectivity
  • Robust customer support


  • High price point may not be suitable for all users
  • The enclosed design may make it harder to access the print bed

In conclusion, the Ultimaker S5 is a high-performance, feature-rich 3D printer designed for professionals who require precision, versatility, and reliability. Despite its high price tag, it offers value for money given its large build volume, exceptional print quality, and robust build. It is an excellent choice for businesses, educators, and serious hobbyists seeking a top-tier 3D printing solution.

Comparative Analysis of the Reviewed Printers

With all these fantastic printers to choose from, how do you pick the one that’s right for you? The key lies in comparison. Each printer has its own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding these can help you make an informed choice. Whether it’s the user-friendly nature of the Flashforge Finder 3 or the professional-grade features of the Ultimaker S5, the right printer for you depends on your specific needs.


In the world of 3D printing, choosing the best enclosed 3D printer can make all the difference. Whether you’re a beginner exploring this fascinating world, or a professional looking to enhance your productivity, the right printer is out there waiting for you. Remember, it’s not just about the specs but also how well it aligns with your specific needs. So, take the plunge and enjoy the amazing world of 3D printing!


  1. What is the advantage of having an enclosed 3D printer?Enclosed 3D printers offer several advantages. They provide better temperature control during prints, reduce noise during operation, and enhance safety by keeping hot and moving parts out of reach. They also help improve print quality by reducing risks of warping or cracking due to temperature variations, and help contain any emissions from the heated printing material.
  2. Can I use any type of filament with an enclosed 3D printer?While enclosed 3D printers generally offer wider material compatibility than their open counterparts, it’s still dependent on the printer model and its specifications. Common materials like PLA, ABS, and PETG are usually supported, but always check your printer’s manual or consult with the manufacturer to confirm.
  3. Do enclosed 3D printers take up more space?Enclosed 3D printers might be slightly larger than open-frame models due to their enclosed design, but the difference is usually not significant. The advantage of an enclosed design in terms of noise reduction, safety, and print quality often outweighs the slightly larger footprint.
  4. Is an enclosed 3D printer harder to maintain?Not necessarily. Maintenance tasks for enclosed 3D printers are similar to those for open printers, such as keeping the printer clean, lubricating moving parts, and cleaning or replacing the nozzle when needed. While accessing certain parts might require additional steps due to the enclosure, these printers are generally designed with user maintenance in mind.
  5. Is an enclosed 3D printer more expensive?While enclosed 3D printers may sometimes be priced higher than open-frame models, the price can vary greatly depending on other factors like brand, print volume, print quality, and additional features. The extra cost often translates to significant benefits in terms of print quality, noise reduction, and safety, making it a worthy investment for many users.

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Chuck Manning

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can be used to create new things, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the world of 3D printing that I found my true passion. Today, I continue to pursue my hobby with the same passion and dedication, always looking for new and exciting ways to push the boundaries of 3D printing.

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