The Auto Leveling 3D Printer: Beginner’s Guide and Top 5 Review

In the world of 3D printing, precision is paramount. From intricate jewelry designs to mechanical components, the smallest misalignment can mean the difference between success and waste. That’s where an auto leveling 3D printer comes into play. With the capacity to automatically calibrate the print bed to the optimal height, these printers eradicate a significant pain point in the 3D printing process—manual bed leveling.

*Printers reviewed in this article:

For those unfamiliar with the term, think of bed leveling as setting the foundation for a house. If it’s uneven, everything that follows is skewed. Auto leveling, then, is like having an expert builder ensuring that your foundation is flawless every single time.

In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the nuances of auto leveling in 3D printers—understanding its importance, how it works, and the benefits it offers. Plus, stay tuned as we spotlight some of the top ABL (Auto Bed Leveling) 3D printers currently dominating the market. Whether you’re a 3D printing novice or a seasoned pro, this guide promises to have something for everyone.

The Basics of Auto Bed Leveling (ABL) in 3D Printing

3D printing, in essence, is the layer-by-layer deposition of material to create three-dimensional objects. For this process to be accurate and seamless, the first layer is crucial. It needs to adhere correctly to the print bed, and for that to happen, the bed itself has to be level. Enter: Auto Bed Leveling (ABL).

auto leveling 3d printer

What is Auto Bed Leveling?

ABL is a feature in many modern 3D printers designed to automatically detect any inclinations or tilts in the print bed and adjust the nozzle’s movement accordingly. This ensures that the first layer of the print is consistent across the bed, which is fundamental for the overall accuracy and quality of the print.

Why is Bed Leveling Important?

Imagine trying to draw on a slanted table with one side higher than the other; your drawing might skew or distort because of the tilt. Similarly, in 3D printing:

  • An unleveled bed can lead to poor adhesion of the first layer, causing warping or detachment during printing.
  • It can result in an uneven first layer, affecting the aesthetics and sometimes the function of the printed object.
  • Over time, an unleveled bed may cause wear and tear on the printer, reducing its lifespan.

How Does ABL Work?

While the concept of leveling the bed sounds straightforward, the mechanisms behind the auto leveling 3d printer are quite intriguing. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Sensors: At the heart of ABL systems are sensors that detect the distance between the nozzle and the print bed at various points. These can be inductive, capacitive, touch-based (like BLTouch), or even infrared.
  2. Mapping the Bed: Once activated, the ABL system moves the nozzle across different predefined points on the bed. The sensor measures the distance to the bed at each of these points, creating a “map” of the bed’s surface.
  3. Adjusting in Real-Time: Using this map, the printer’s firmware calculates the bed’s tilt or inclination. During printing, it adjusts the nozzle’s height in real-time according to this map, ensuring that the first layer is consistently deposited across the bed.
  4. Feedback Loop: Some advanced ABL systems have a feedback loop, where they can recalibrate during a print if they detect discrepancies.

Is ABL a One-Time Setup?

While an auto leveling 3d printer significantly reduces the need for frequent manual calibrations, it’s not a “set and forget” feature. Depending on the printer’s design and usage frequency, users might need to run the ABL process periodically to ensure optimal printing conditions.

ABL systems, by automating a historically tricky part of the 3D printing setup, have unlocked a higher degree of precision and ease-of-use for users. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a professional, understanding the basics of ABL can help ensure that your prints always start on the right layer.

Important Considerations

When delving into the realm of the auto leveling 3D printer, several critical considerations come to the fore. These considerations ensure that the user chooses the right printer that aligns with their needs, budget, and expectations. Let’s explore some of these:

    • Types of ABL Sensors: There are multiple sensors available for auto bed leveling, including inductive, capacitive, BLTouch, and infrared probes. Each has its advantages and limitations in terms of materials it works best with and accuracy. Understanding these differences can guide a potential buyer toward a printer that uses the most suitable sensor for their projects.
    • Integration with Firmware: Ensure that the printer’s firmware supports ABL or can be easily updated or modified to do so. Some popular firmware options that support ABL include Marlin, Repetier, and Smoothieware.
    • Leveling Frequency: Some printers might require recalibration after every print, while others might hold their calibration for multiple prints. Depending on the volume of printing you intend to do, this could be a significant factor in your decision.
    • Print Bed Material: The material of the print bed can influence the effectiveness of certain ABL sensors. For instance, inductive probes work best with metallic beds, whereas capacitive probes can sense through glass or other materials. It’s important to ensure compatibility between the ABL sensor and the printer’s bed material.
    • Manual Override: Even with the best auto bed leveling systems, there may be times when manual adjustments are needed. Check if the 3D printer allows for manual tweaks post-auto calibration.
    • Cost Factor: ABL functionality might bump up the printer’s price. It’s vital to weigh the benefits of hassle-free bed leveling against the added cost, especially if you’re on a tight budget.
    • Ease of Setup and Maintenance: While ABL systems are designed to simplify the printing process, they are not entirely free from setup or maintenance. Consider printers with intuitive setups and transparent maintenance guidelines.
    • Community and Support: A strong online community can be invaluable for troubleshooting, tips, and firmware updates. Brands with robust user communities often offer better long-term support and resources.
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    • Compatibility with Printing Materials: Different printers and leveling systems might be more suited for certain printing materials than others. It’s essential to ensure the ABL system works seamlessly with the materials you intend to use most frequently.
    • Reliability: Lastly, and arguably most importantly, check reviews and user feedback about the reliability of the printer’s ABL system. Some might have known issues or glitches that could affect print quality or necessitate frequent recalibrations.

    Armed with these considerations, potential buyers will be in a much stronger position to make an informed choice about which ABL 3D printer is right for them.

    Our Top 5: Best Auto Leveling 3D Printers in 2023

    Creality Ender 3 V3 SE 3D Printer

    auto leveling 3d printer

    The Creality Ender 3 V3 SE arrives in the auto leveling 3D printer landscape as an evolution of Creality’s esteemed Ender series. This version promises to bring ease-of-use to the next level while ensuring higher quality and faster prints. Let’s take a closer look at this revamped machine.

    Key Features

    • Effortless Auto Leveling: Equipped with a CR Touch sensor for seamless auto leveling and a strain sensor for precise z-offset adjustments. The user involvement in the leveling process is virtually eliminated.
    • Smooth Feeding Mechanism: Features the newly upgraded “Sprite” Full Metal Dual-gear Direct Extruder. This ensures smooth feeding of filaments without slippage, making it versatile for various filament types including PLA, TPU, and PETG.
    • Blazing Fast Printing: Supports a staggering printing speed of up to 250mm/s and an acceleration of 2500mm/s². This means faster results without compromising on print quality.
    • Enhanced Stability with Dual Z-axis & Y-axis Linear Shafts: The precision dual Z-axis lead screws tackle Z wobbling, ensuring more consistent prints. Additionally, the Y-axis is strengthened with two 8mm linear shafts for prolonged stability and accuracy.
    • User-Friendly Assembly: The printer comes largely preassembled, turning the daunting task of assembly into a quick 20-minute setup process.

    Performance and Usability

    One of the defining attributes of the Ender 3 V3 SE is its commitment to user-friendliness. The hassle-free auto leveling system ensures that users can start printing with minimal manual interventions. The strain sensor for auto z-offset is another feature that stands out, enhancing the precision of each print.

    The upgraded “Sprite” extruder is a notable advancement, smoothly handling a range of filaments, making the printer versatile for various projects. When it comes to speed, the 250mm/s capability is impressive, ensuring that users spend less time waiting and more time creating.

    For those concerned about long-term stability, the dual Z-axis and Y-axis features offer peace of mind, ensuring that the printer remains consistent even after prolonged use.

    Pros and Cons


    • Simplified Leveling System: The auto leveling and z-offset features make the printing setup remarkably straightforward.
    • Versatile Extruder: Capable of handling a variety of filaments without issues.
    • Impressive Speed: One of the fastest printers in its class while maintaining quality.
    • Durable and Stable Design: Dual Z-axis and Y-axis features ensure longevity and consistent performance.
    • Easy Assembly: Transitioning from unboxing to printing is a breeze, ideal for beginners.


    • New Upgrades Learning Curve: Users familiar with older Ender models might need some time to get accustomed to the new features.
    • Potential Overwhelming Speed for Novices: The high-speed printing might require some fine-tuning for absolute beginners to get optimal results.
    auto leveling 3d printer

    The Creality Ender 3 V3 SE emerges as a formidable contender in the mid-range auto leveling 3D printer market. With its user-centric design, rapid printing speeds, and upgraded features, it caters to both novices and seasoned 3D printing enthusiasts. While there’s a slight learning curve associated with its new upgrades, the benefits and enhancements it brings to the table make it worth considering for your next 3D printing investment.

    Anycubic Kobra Max ABL 3D Printer

    In the expansive world of 3D printing, the Anycubic Kobra Max stands out not just for its sheer size but also for its innovative features. Boasting a large build volume and a plethora of advanced functionalities, this auto leveling 3D printer is designed for those seeking both quality and ease-of-use.

    *Also read our full review of the Anycubic Kobra PLUS 3D Printer

      Key Features

      • Spacious Build Volume: Offers a generous printing space measuring 17.7 x 15.7 x 15.7 inches (450 x 400 x 400mm), catering to a variety of projects from simple daily prints to larger creative endeavors.
      • Innovative LeviQ Leveling Function: Features Anycubic’s self-developed auto leveling with a 25-point precise calibration. This smart system compensates for any unevenness in the heated bed, making leveling a one-button operation.
      • Impressive Printing Speed: Achieves a top speed of 180mm/s, with an average speed of 80mm/s – a staggering 167% faster than industry standards.
      • Sturdy Construction & Precision: Benefits from a double-threaded Z-axis construction that reduces shaking, ensuring stable prints with intricate model details. Plus, its modular design allows for a swift 10-minute assembly.
      • Filament Runout Detection: A smart filament sensor monitors filament supply, pausing prints automatically if the filament runs out, thereby preserving your progress.
      • Advanced Touchscreen Interface: A 4.3-inch full-color, responsive LCD touchscreen provides an enhanced, intuitive printing experience.

      Performance and Usability

      The standout feature of the Kobra Max is the LeviQ Leveling Function. The 25-point calibration promises a seamless and accurate printing base, taking the guesswork out of manual bed leveling. This, coupled with the printer’s commendable speed, ensures a swift transition from design to tangible print.

      The filament runout detection is a handy addition, particularly for long prints where monitoring filament can be a challenge. This ensures uninterrupted printing experiences, saving both time and resources.

      auto leveling 3d printer

      The printer’s double-threaded Z-axis not only guarantees stability but also ensures that every minute detail of your design is faithfully reproduced. And for those dreading the assembly process, the Kobra Max’s modular design promises a quick setup.

      Pros and Cons


      • Generous Printing Volume: Suitable for a wide range of projects.
      • Smart LeviQ Leveling: Ensures consistent and accurate base leveling.
      • Quick Printing Speed: Faster than most in its category, reducing wait times.
      • Stable & Precise Prints: Double-threaded Z-axis ensures detailed model reproduction.
      • Intuitive Touchscreen: Simplifies navigation and printing adjustments.


      • Size: The large build volume might mean a more substantial footprint, potentially requiring more space.
      • Learning Curve: With its advanced features, beginners might need some time to fully harness the printer’s capabilities.

      The Anycubic Kobra Max ABL 3D Printer is a testament to the brand’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in 3D printing. With its sizable build volume, advanced leveling system, and swift printing speeds, it’s tailored for those who demand both performance and convenience. Whether you’re a seasoned 3D printing enthusiast or a beginner eager to dive deep, the Kobra Max is a worthy addition to any creative toolkit.

      Creality K1 3D Printer

      When it comes to advancing the ranks of the auto leveling 3D printer, Creality remains a front runner with their innovative designs. The Creality K1 3D Printer is no exception, boasting a range of features designed for efficiency, precision, and ease-of-use. Let’s delve into this 3D printer’s capabilities to ascertain its worth.

      Key Features

      • Incredible Printing Speed: The K1 is a powerhouse, capable of reaching speeds up to 600mm/s and a staggering acceleration of 20000mm/s². It heats up to 200℃ in just 40 seconds, eclipsing many competitors in the market.
      • Effortless Auto-Leveling: With its one-tap auto-leveling and an innovative design incorporating a large drum fan and simulated wind tunnel, it promises consistent and accurate leveling. An 18W turbofan supports the printing of intricate structures even without supports.
      • Sturdy Construction: A solid unibody frame, complete with a G-sensor and die-cast parts, eliminates ringing and ensures stable printing. The CoreXY structure and an auxiliary cooling fan lend additional stability, particularly when printing at high speeds. The meticulous Z-axis control ensures detailed prints with minimal layer lines.
      • Connected Printing Experience: Offers flexibility with options to print via USB drive or WiFi. Users can monitor and control the K1 remotely using the Creality Print or Creality Cloud APP/WEB. The ability to receive notifications about the print status, be it completion or any abnormalities, is a welcomed feature.

      Performance and Usability

      The Creality K1 shines brightly when it comes to speed. With its rapid printing capabilities, professionals and beginners alike can enjoy reduced wait times. The auto-leveling is not only efficient but also ensures that prints have an even base, crucial for overall print quality.

      auto leveling 3d printer

      The printer’s solid frame ensures that even during high-speed prints, there’s minimal vibration, which translates to better print quality. Its connectivity options are particularly impressive, making remote printing and monitoring a breeze. The added convenience of receiving updates about the print status directly to your phone or PC is a boon, especially for those who run long prints.

      Pros and Cons


      • Unmatched Printing Speed: Among the fastest in the FDM 3D printing domain.
      • Robust Frame Construction: Ensures stability and high-quality prints.
      • Advanced Connectivity: WiFi capabilities, along with app-based monitoring and notifications.
      • Detailed Auto-Leveling: Guarantees a perfect print base with innovative cooling features.


      • Learning Curve: With its advanced features, there might be a steeper learning curve for absolute beginners.
      • Size and Footprint: Given its advanced capabilities, it might occupy more space than basic printers.

      The Creality K1 3D Printer is a testament to how far 3D printing technology has come. It manages to combine speed, precision, and user-friendly features into a solid package. Whether you’re a seasoned 3D printing aficionado or a newcomer, the K1 promises to elevate your printing experience. The thoughtful integrations, especially in terms of connectivity and monitoring, make it a top contender in the world of FDM 3D printers.

      Flashforge Guider 2 Auto Levering 3D Printer

      The 3D printing world is vast, with various brands competing for attention. Among them, Flashforge stands tall, offering printers that cater to both professionals and hobbyists. The Guider 2 is one of Flashforge’s offerings, promising a blend of efficiency, precision, and convenience. Let’s dive deep into its features and understand what sets this 3D printer apart.

      Key Features

      • Robust Build: The Guider 2 boasts a full metal-frame and enclosed design, offering a generous build volume of 280x250x300mm.
      • Versatile Printing Capability: The patented extruder can heat up to 240℃ while the heating platform reaches up to 120℃, ensuring wide material compatibility.
      • Free Slicing Support: FlashPrint software comes bundled, providing both basic and advanced slicing options for diverse printing needs.
      • Power Interruption Recovery: In case of unexpected power failures, the printer can pause and later resume the printing process, ensuring minimal wastage.
      • Wide Filament Support: Designed to use 1.75mm filament, it supports a variety of materials, including PLA, ABS, PETG, and Color-change filaments.
      • Smart Filament Monitoring: The in-built filament sensor keeps a check on material usage, alerting users when filament runs low or breaks.
      • Intuitive 5-inch Touchscreen: A large, interactive touchscreen simplifies printer operations, ensuring user-friendly experiences.
      • Connectivity Options: Offers diverse connectivity options, including USB, SD card, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, FlashCloud, and PolarCloud.
      • Bonus Filament: Comes bundled with one spool of random filament weighing 1000g.

      Performance and Usability

      Flashforge Guider 2 presents itself as an industrial-grade desktop printer, making it an appealing choice for both hobbyists and professionals. Its new extruder construction, designed to optimize airflow, ensures models cool uniformly, enhancing overall print quality.

      The power recovery feature stands out, especially for long prints. It eliminates the hassles of restarting prints after a power disruption. Its full-metal frame, weighing 38kg, not only adds to its durability but also significantly reduces noise levels during printing.

      Its 5-inch touchscreen is a notable addition, offering users a streamlined way to manage print settings, material loading, and more.

      Moreover, its open filament system means users aren’t restricted to using just Flashforge’s proprietary filaments, though they do offer attractive bundle deals.

      Pros and Cons


      • Sturdy Construction: A full-metal frame ensures long-lasting durability and consistent printing.
      • Open Filament System: Flexibility to use filaments from various brands.
      • Power Recovery Feature: Minimizes wastage by resuming printing after power interruptions.
      • Enhanced Connectivity: Multiple ways to transfer and manage 3D files.


      • Size and Weight: Weighing 38kg, it might be cumbersome for some setups.
      • Price: This is a mid-level 3D printer with a corresponding price point.

      The Flashforge Guider 2 3D Printer encapsulates what modern 3D printing should be about: precision, versatility, and user-friendliness. It’s designed to cater to a wide audience, from enthusiasts to professionals, offering a suite of features that streamline the 3D printing process. Its durability, combined with the flexibility of filament choices and connectivity options, makes it a top contender in the 3D printing market.

      UltiMaker S3 Auto Leveling 3D Printer

      In the expansive world of 3D printers, the UltiMaker series has carved a niche for itself, often revered for its top-notch quality and innovative features. The UltiMaker S3 3D Printer, in particular, stands out as a compact yet power-packed member of the UltiMaker family. Designed for a diverse audience, from professionals to educators, this printer promises a combination of reliability and simplicity.

      Key Features

      • Compact Yet Ample Build Volume: The printer offers a build space of 230 x 190 x 200mm, accommodating a wide range of designs.
      • Dual Extrusion System: Effortlessly print with multiple materials simultaneously, enabling greater design freedom and intricacy.
      • Swappable Print Cores: Transitioning between different materials, from basic ones to advanced choices like NylonX and stainless steel, is a breeze.
      • Inclusive Software & Warranty: Comes bundled with UltiMaker Essentials software with potential upgrades. Additionally, a one-year warranty is provided, ensuring peace of mind for users.
      • State-of-the-Art Interface & Monitoring: Features a 4.7-inch touchscreen, ensuring a seamless user experience. Moreover, the onboard camera and Wi-Fi capabilities allow users to remotely monitor their print jobs.
      • Wide Material Compatibility: With swappable print cores, users can easily print using a vast array of materials. Over 200 tested materials are supported, inclusive of metals.

      Performance and Usability

      The UltiMaker S3 takes the best elements of its larger sibling, the S5, and presents them in a more workspace-efficient form factor. The dual extrusion system stands out, offering users the ability to create complex parts, especially when incorporating soluble support structures. The articulating nozzle-lifting system is another commendable feature, ensuring cleaner and more precise prints.

      The printer’s ability to use a multitude of materials, from the basic to the more advanced, such as metals, makes it a versatile tool for varied projects. Furthermore, the swappable print core system simplifies the transition between materials, catering to fast-paced project requirements.

      auto leveling 3d printer
      Image: MatterHackers

      Pros and Cons


      • Dual Extrusion: Allows for intricate designs using multiple materials.
      • Swappable Cores: Facilitates easy transitions between different materials.
      • Versatile Material Support: Over 200 materials, including metals, can be used.
      • Remote Monitoring: Keep track of your print progress from anywhere.
      • User-Friendly Interface: The 4.7-inch touchscreen ensures straightforward operations.


      Compact Size vs. Cost: While compact, the price point might be high for those looking for smaller project scales.

      The UltiMaker S3 3D Printer emerges as a formidable player in the auto leveling 3D printer arena, offering a balanced blend of compactness, versatility, and cutting-edge features. Whether you’re a professional in the manufacturing industry, an educator aiming to inspire the next generation, or someone in between, the UltiMaker S3 promises a rewarding 3D printing experience. However, potential buyers should weigh its features against its price to determine its suitability for their specific needs.

      Conclusion: The Future of the Auto Leveling 3D Printer is Bright

      In the rapidly advancing realm of 3D printing, the availability and importance of auto bed leveling (ABL) in 3D printers cannot be overstated. As we’ve explored, ABL provides a seamless printing experience, eliminating much of the manual labor and guesswork previously associated with the technology. With brands like Creality, Anycubic, Flashforge, and UltiMaker leading the way, the market offers a diverse range of ABL-equipped machines catering to various needs and budgets.

      *(We sometimes earn a commission for purchases made through our links. Please see the ‘Disclosure’ link at the bottom of this page for more information.)

      Chuck Manning

      I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can be used to create new things, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the world of 3D printing that I found my true passion. Today, I continue to pursue my hobby with the same passion and dedication, always looking for new and exciting ways to push the boundaries of 3D printing.

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