AnkerMake M5 3D Printer: The Fast and the Flawless?

Diving into the burgeoning world of 3D printers, tech titan Anker, renowned for its power devices, stunned the industry with its unexpected foray into the 3D printing domain. Announcing the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer, an avant-garde addition to the 3D printer line-up, the company ventured beyond its comfortable turf of power banks and phone accessories.

With audacious promises of unparalleled print speeds and a futuristic AI camera capable of effortlessly streaming time-lapses, skepticism pervaded the initial announcement, particularly given its Kickstarter origins. But as this printer emerges from its crowdfunding cocoon, shipping to both backers and eager customers, it’s clear that Anker has not only met but perhaps exceeded expectations.

Boasting modern features tailored for the tech-savvy and speeds that challenge even established printer giants, the AnkerMake M5 heralds Anker’s triumphant entry into the 3D printing arena.

AnkerMake M5 3D Printer Specifications

Machine Footprint502 x 438 x 470 mm (19.7 x 17.2 x 18.5 in)
Implemented TechnologyFDM, FFF
Control Interface4.3-inch touchscreen
Print Resolution0.1 mm
Leveling7 x 7 auto-leveling, Mesh Bed Leveling via load cell
Heated BedYes (up to 100°C / 212°F)
Filament SupportPLA, PETG, ABS, and TPU
Extruder TypeDirect Drive (Ultra Direct Extruder)
Nozzle0.4mm (interchangeable)
Print BedBendable, Magnetic spring steel with PEI coating, Heated
ConnectivityUSB-C and Wi-Fi
Control SoftwareAnkerMake app, AnkerMake Slicer, Alexa, AnkerMake Software (Windows/macOS), etc.
Special FeaturesCamera based AI print monitoring
Power SupplyInternal 110 V – 240 V to 24 V power supply
Assembly Time15 minutes
Control Board & CPUAnkerMake M5 Board V8111, STM32F4, Dual XBurst(1.2GHz) + XBurst 0(240MHz)
Review Sample FirmwareAnkerMake V2.0.46_2.0.40 (Linux based)
Manufacturer WebsiteAnkerMake

Setting Up the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer

1. Assembly

The AnkerMake M5 3D Printer stands out with its ease of setup. While the majority of it arrives pre-assembled, the remaining parts require minimal effort.

Included in the Box: The printer comes with a toolkit comprising essential items to aid in building and maintenance, such as side cutters, a nozzle cleaner, an extra nozzle, and a modest sample of PLA filament. Some users also reported receiving additional build plates and nozzles, though these might be specific to reviewer units.

Assembly Steps: The printer necessitates only eight bolts for full assembly, which divides to four per side. Such simplicity led to completion times ranging from 15 to 25 minutes among various users. What stands out is the user-friendly design of the wiring system, which requires just a pair of USB-C cables and two sets for the stepper motors. All these cables are sturdily fastened to ensure safety.

ankermake m5 3d printer

2. Initial Setup

Guidance: The M5 comes with a comprehensive paper booklet that serves as a quick start guide, ensuring that users across the globe can understand the setup, thanks to its 10-language translation. However, the AnkerMake slicer software, crucial for printing, is downloadable from the official company website.

Bed Leveling: The M5 takes a futuristic approach to bed leveling, adopting an automatic process aided by a pressure sensor mechanism attached to the hotend. This method involves physically tapping the bed surface across 49 points arranged in a 7×7 grid. The printer’s touchscreen interface is used for this process and also provides access to adjust the Z offset if required.

Filament Insertion: An intuitive filament path simplifies the material-loading process. The M5 houses a filament runout sensor in a box on its left side. Filament feeding goes through this compartment, into the Bowden tube, and finally to the extruder. Notably, this printer employs a direct drive system with a protective “reverse” Bowden tube.

3. Software and Connectivity

Connectivity: Integrating the M5 into a wireless environment is straightforward with the AnkerMake mobile app, available for both Android and iOS. The initial setup involves downloading the app and creating an Anker account. Once connected, firmware updates can be swiftly installed.

Software Usability: The AnkerMake slicer software, compatible with Windows, is impressively user-friendly. It’s capable of automatically detecting the printer within the network, negating any need for manual configurations. However, new users might benefit from referring to online tutorials for certain basic operations, like filament feeding, which might not be elaborated in the manual.

4. Remote Monitoring and App Features

The AnkerMake app, despite being in its beta phase, offers several noteworthy features:

  • Live Camera & Notifications: Users can observe their printing process live and receive alerts upon completion.
  • AI Monitoring: Setting this printer apart is its advanced AI monitoring mechanism. The onboard camera uses cloud-based AI to compare the expected print output with the real-time model. This feature aims to identify and notify the user of any discrepancies, from minor potential errors to significant disruptions. However, there have been instances of false alerts triggered by background movements, which can be mildly inconvenient.

In essence, the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer promises a blend of convenience and advanced technology, making the 3D printing experience both straightforward and sophisticated for its users.

AnkerMake M5 3D Printer: Printing Performance Review

The AnkerMake M5 has gathered quite the attention in the 3D printing community for its promise of performance and features. But how does it really fare when it comes to practical, real-world usage? Let’s dive deep into the printing performance based on firsthand reviews.

1. Slicing and Setup

Anker provides its proprietary slicer, AnkerMake, which for the most part is user-friendly and intuitive. It’s compatible with the widely popular file formats STL and OBJ, making it relatively straightforward for users to jump right in. Compatibility claims also extend to popular slicers like Simplify3D and PrusaSlicer 2.

Transferring the sliced model to the M5 is convenient, be it via Wi-Fi or the USB Type-C port atop the extruder. The added feature of real-time printing monitoring, error reports, and time-lapse recording via the AnkerMake app enhances user experience. However, it would be helpful if Anker provided more robust documentation, especially concerning the slicer and troubleshooting.

ankermake m5 3d printer

2. Printing Speed and Quality

A significant highlight of the M5 is its blazing-fast print speed, with the default set at 250mm/sec. This speed not only outpaces many competitors but also, based on the reviews, does not seem to compromise print quality. Even with intricate designs like Cinderwing3D’s Crystal dragon, the M5 showcased crisp prints with minimal flaws.

The M5’s efficiency is evident when compared with other models like the Ender 3 S1. What would normally take the Ender 3 over an hour, the M5 achieves in a fraction of the time, without sacrificing detail.

However, the fast speed does sometimes introduce minor issues like ringing on smooth walls. It seems the printer’s vibration at higher speeds could be the cause.

3. Material Compatibility and Versatility

Across different materials like PLA, TPU, and PETG, the M5 showcases its versatility. Its capacity to print with TPU, especially at the speed of 250mm/s without compromising on quality, is genuinely commendable. While the lack of a vase mode in the AnkerMake Slicer was a letdown for some users, the printer’s adaptability with various settings compensates for it to some extent.

4. Software and Features

While the AnkerMaker Slicer offers a simplified “easy” mode and some granular controls, it falls short when compared to industry giants like stock Cura or PrusaSlicer in terms of depth and customization. The AI overwatch’s closed process is also a bone of contention; its lack of interaction with users raises concerns.

Not being able to access the printer’s camera feed directly from the slicer seems like a missed opportunity. However, with the slicer still bearing a “beta” badge, there’s hope that AnkerMake might address these issues in the future.

5. Convenience and Storage

The onboard storage coupled with a USB-C port provides flexibility to users. However, a notable disappointment is Anker’s missed opportunity to bundle one of its thumb drives or adapters, which would have been a thoughtful addition.


The AnkerMake M5 makes a strong case with its impressive speed and decent print quality across multiple materials. While it outpaces many in its league in these areas, there’s room for improvement in software and user interaction. With updates and iterations, the M5 could very well set new benchmarks in the 3D printing world.

Should You Buy the AnkerMake M5 3D Printer?

The AnkerMake M5 has been generating a significant amount of buzz in the 3D printing community, but the question remains: Is it worth the investment?

ankermake m5 3d printer

Design and Assembly

At first glance, the AnkerMake M5 steals the show with its aesthetically pleasing design. Its polished hardware and software interface are evident signs that AnkerMake paid considerable attention to the printer’s aesthetics and user experience. Additionally, assembly has been touted as a breezy experience, allowing users to kick-start their printing projects in a short span.

Performance and Speed

Arguably the standout feature of the M5 is its unrivaled

speed. Arguably the standout feature of the M5 is its unrivaled speed. Users who have tasted the efficiency of this printer find it challenging to revert to slower alternatives. While the M5’s speed is indisputably impressive, it doesn’t compromise on the quality of its prints. This combination of speed and quality can be an enticing prospect for hobbyists who are already familiar with the nuances of 3D printing.

Reliability and Updates

Consistency in performance is essential in any printer, and the M5 appears to deliver on this front. Users have reported minimal print failures, further underlining the machine’s reliability. Moreover, AnkerMake’s commitment to the M5 is evident in the periodic firmware and software updates, which have ushered in improvements that enhance both the speed and quality of prints.

Features and Innovations

The M5 doesn’t just rest on the laurels of its speed. It boasts premium features such as an in-built camera and a print failure detector—innovations that are typically not seen in out-of-the-box 3D printers. These additions not only improve the user experience but also position the M5 at the forefront of 3D printing technology.

Price Considerations

The M5’s price tag of $799 places it between budget printers and higher-end models. While some might balk at the cost, especially when compared to models like the Ender 3 S1, it’s essential to consider the M5’s value proposition. The included premium features, coupled with the projected savings in time and potential future upgrades (such as the anticipated six-color MMU), make the M5’s price point seem more reasonable.


For those just dipping their toes in the world of 3D printing, the M5 might come across as a substantial investment. However, for seasoned hobbyists or professionals seeking a blend of speed, reliability, and cutting-edge features, the AnkerMake M5 presents a compelling case. Its future potential, backed by AnkerMake’s continued dedication to the project, suggests that the M5 is not just another 3D printer—it’s an investment in the future of 3D printing.


How does the assembly process of the AnkerMake M5 compare to other 3D printers in the market?

The AnkerMake M5 stands out for its hassle-free assembly process. Users can set it up and begin their first print within minutes. Compared to many other 3D printers, which can require intricate assembly and calibration, the M5 offers a more straightforward and user-friendly experience.

Given its higher price point, what makes the AnkerMake M5 3D printer a worthy investment over budget 3D printers?

While the M5 does come with a heftier price tag, it offers a blend of premium features not typically seen in budget printers. Its standout speed, high-quality prints, built-in 1080p camera, print fail detector, and the promise of consistent updates and future enhancements like the six-color MMU make it a valuable proposition for both hobbyists and professionals.

How does the speed of the AnkerMake M5 change the user experience in 3D printing?

The M5’s exceptional speed allows users to print projects in hours that would typically take days on other machines, or even in minutes instead of hours. This efficiency doesn’t just save time; it also encourages users to undertake more complex projects and iterate designs faster, revolutionizing the 3D printing experience.

Are there any additional costs associated with the AnkerMake M5 after purchase?

The basic functions and features of the M5 are available out-of-the-box. However, as with most 3D printers, users may need to invest in different types of filaments and occasional maintenance tools. AnkerMake is also set to introduce a six-color MMU for the M5, which might be an optional purchase for users looking to further enhance their printing capabilities.

How does AnkerMake M5 ensure the quality of prints despite its fast speed?

The M5, while being fast, doesn’t compromise on quality. Its precision engineering and regular firmware and software updates ensure consistent and high-quality prints. Users have reported minimal print failures, which attests to the printer’s reliability even at high speeds.

The V6 Color Engine: AnkerMake’s Game-Changing Add-on (Update)

The AnkerMake M5 3D printer has created quite a buzz, and the addition of the V6 Color Engine is poised to elevate the printing experience even further. Acting as a game-changer in the multi-color 3D printing realm, the V6 Color Engine promises to revolutionize the way enthusiasts approach their projects.

  • Multicolor Printing Simplified: At its core, the V6 Color Engine serves as a sophisticated filament station, capable of housing up to six different filament rolls. With this feature, users can enjoy the freedom of multi-color printing without the hassle of continuously switching filaments. It integrates seamlessly with the M5 Slicer, automating the process of filament selection. This means the M5 will smartly feed itself the precise filament length needed for specific prints.
  • No More Purge Towers: Traditionally, multi-color 3D printing involved using a purge tower, which leads to material wastage. The V6 technology eliminates this need. It uses a clever approach wherein the system minimizes transitions by wiping into infills, reducing waste and ensuring clean color changes.
  • Intuitive Filament Management: Echoing designs like Ultimaker’s Material Station, the V6 offers an intuitive front plate for filament load/unload controls. However, where it stands apart is its ability to measure the exact filament lengths, ensuring a purgeless process and conserving materials. For those who prefer long print runs, loading six spools of the same filament allows uninterrupted printing, with the system automatically reloading once a spool is exhausted.
  • Smart Ecosystem Integration: Aesthetically and functionally, the V6 Color Engine brings more to the table than just filament management. Doubling as a filament dryer and humidity cabinet, it ensures that hygroscopic filaments, which are prone to moisture absorption, maintain their integrity. This feature alone could extend the lifespan and quality of stored filaments. Furthermore, being an integral part of AnkerMake’s “smart” ecosystem, users can expect real-time updates on filament levels, temperature, and progress both on the printer’s display and the companion app.
  • Slicer and App Integration: AnkerMake’s Slicer software, seen in promotional material, diverges from the generic Cura designs, offering a refreshing and clean user interface. With the V6, users can expect integrated functionalities like assigning specific filaments to different STL models, all streamlined within the slicer itself.

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While the V6 Color Engine does come at an additional cost, its wide array of features makes it a compelling investment for both casual enthusiasts and power users. With shipping set for December 2023, the 3D printing community eagerly awaits the transformative impact of this add-on.

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Chuck Manning

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can be used to create new things, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the world of 3D printing that I found my true passion. Today, I continue to pursue my hobby with the same passion and dedication, always looking for new and exciting ways to push the boundaries of 3D printing.

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