Your 3D Printer Accessories: The Secret Sauce to Perfect Printing


It’s no secret that 3D printing is a world full of endless possibilities. But, as we delve deeper into this exciting realm, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in the actual printer that we forget about the unsung heroes of the 3D printing world – the accessories. As an enthusiast and a guide in your 3D printing journey, let me shed some light on the crucial 3d printer accessories that can elevate your 3D printing setup from good to phenomenal.

3D Printer Accessories: Necessities Beyond the Printer


Consider your 3D printer as a symphony conductor. It can create beautiful music, but without quality instruments (or in our case, filament), the results can be less than harmonious. Filament is the lifeblood of your 3D printing operation, and its quality directly impacts the quality of your prints.

ABS and PLA are two of the most popular types of filament. ABS is valued for its strength, flexibility, and heat resistance – making it ideal for printing objects that need to withstand high temperatures or impacts. PLA, on the other hand, is biodegradable, easy to use, and available in a variety of vibrant colors. It’s the go-to filament for beginners or for projects that don’t require the durability of ABS.

Build Surface

Remember when your grandparents talked about the importance of solid foundations? The same principle applies to 3D printing. A good build surface is essential for ensuring your prints stick during the printing process and come off easily afterward. It’s like the difference between a cake baked in a greased versus an ungreased pan.

There’s a wide range of build surfaces available, from blue painter’s tape and Kapton tape to glass and PEI (polyetherimide) sheets. Glass provides a perfectly flat surface and makes the bottom of your prints super smooth. PEI, on the other hand, offers excellent adhesion when hot and releases the print when cooled.

Nozzle Cleaning Tools

Your nozzle is the magic wand that brings your 3D prints to life. But like any tool, it needs regular cleaning to function at its best. Think about it – would you try to drink a thick milkshake through a tiny, clogged straw? It’s not going to end well. The same goes for your 3D printer nozzle.

Investing in a good set of nozzle cleaning tools can save you a lot of headaches down the line. A simple needle tool can effectively unclog nozzles, while brushes can help clean the external parts. Some people even use acupuncture needles due to their fine points and durability.

Spatula or Removal Tool

Nothing is more heart-wrenching than a beautifully printed object ruined during the removal process. It’s like baking the perfect cake and then watching it crumble when you try to get it out of the pan.

That’s where a spatula or removal tool becomes a lifesaver. A thin, sturdy spatula with a sharp edge can slide right under your prints, lifting them off without damage. There’s a variety of options available, including those with a rubber handle for a comfortable grip or a wide blade to handle larger prints.

Calibration Tools

Ever tried to put together a puzzle with pieces that just don’t fit right? That’s what 3D printing feels like when your printer isn’t calibrated correctly. Calibration tools are the unsung heroes that ensure your prints come out exactly as you intended.

Digital calipers are perfect for measuring the thickness of your filament or the dimensions of your finished prints. Feeler gauges, on the other hand, help you level the bed of your printer with incredible accuracy. Remember, even a hair’s width difference can significantly impact the quality of your prints.

Optional, But Beneficial 3D Printer Accessories

Filament Dryer

Just as you wouldn’t want to wear a damp shirt, your filament doesn’t like to be moist either. Filament, especially ABS and PLA, is hygroscopic, which means it absorbs water from the air. This can lead to poor print quality, with symptoms like popping, bubbling, and weak infill.

A filament dryer is like a personal spa for your filament. It keeps the filament at an optimal temperature, removing any moisture and ensuring that it’s in top shape for your next print. Plus, many filament dryers double as a perfect storage solution to keep your filament dust-free and ready for use.

3D Printer Enclosure

Think about trying to have a conversation in a noisy, crowded room. It’s pretty challenging, right? The same goes for your 3D printer when it’s exposed to the elements. Temperature fluctuations, dust, and even curious pets can disrupt the printing process.

A 3D printer enclosure is like giving your printer its private space. It helps maintain a consistent temperature (especially important when printing with materials like ABS), reduces noise, and keeps out dust and prying fingers. Some enclosures even have ventilation to remove potentially harmful fumes.

Heated Bed

A heated bed for your 3D printer is like a cozy, heated floor on a cold winter day. It helps your first layer of filament stick to the build surface and stay warm, reducing the chances of warping and lifting – common issues that can ruin an otherwise perfect print.

Heated beds are particularly beneficial when printing with ABS or other high-temperature materials. But even when printing with PLA, a heated bed can greatly improve the consistency and quality of your prints.

Filament Storage Solutions

Proper filament storage is like giving your filament a cozy, secure home. It protects it from its archenemies – dust, moisture, and UV light – all of which can degrade the filament over time and affect your print quality.
There are many storage solutions out there, from simple zip-lock bags with desiccant packets to specialized filament storage boxes that keep your filament dry and dust-free. Some even have built-in thermostats to control the temperature.

Advanced 3D Printer Accessories for Enthusiasts

3D Scanner

Ever wished you could replicate an object you found at a garage sale, or a family heirloom you’re afraid to use? With a 3D scanner, you can! A 3D scanner allows you to create a precise 3D model of any physical object, which you can then modify, improve, or simply replicate with your 3D printer.

There’s a wide range of 3D scanners available, from affordable options for hobbyists to professional-grade scanners for more complex projects. Some even come as handheld devices, allowing you to scan larger or more intricate objects with ease.

Multi-Material Upgrade

Imagine being an artist with only one color on your palette. It would be pretty limiting, right? The same goes for 3D printing with just one type of filament. A multi-material upgrade is like adding a rainbow of colors to your artist’s palette.

With a multi-material upgrade, your printer can seamlessly switch between different types of filament in a single print. This allows you to create prints with different colors, or even combine different materials in one print for varied structural properties.

Upgraded Extruder

The extruder of your 3D printer is like its heart, pumping filament through the nozzle and bringing your prints to life. An upgraded extruder can handle a wider range of filaments, provide better control over the filament flow, and reduce the chances of clogs and jams.

There are many types of extruders to choose from. Direct drive extruders, for instance, offer precise control and can handle flexible filaments. On the other hand, Bowden extruders are lighter (leading to faster printing speeds) and are often easier to maintain.



  1. Do I need to buy all these accessories at once?

    Absolutely not! 3D printing is a journey. Start with the essential accessories and add to your collection as you delve deeper into this exciting hobby. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a perfect 3D printing setup!
  2. How do I ensure an accessory is compatible with my 3D printer?

    Always check the specifications of the accessory and compare them with your printer’s specs. If you’re still unsure, reach out to the manufacturer or join online 3D printing communities. Believe me, there’s no question too big or too small for the 3D printing world!
  3. Are pricier accessories always better?

    Not necessarily. While price can often indicate quality, that’s not always the case. It’s important to do your research, read reviews, and make an informed decision based on your specific needs.
  4. Where can I buy 3D printer accessories?

    There are plenty of online platforms like Amazon, eBay, and specialized 3D printing stores that sell accessories. Also, don’t forget about local electronics or hobby stores. Always ensure you’re buying from a reputable source to avoid counterfeit or low-quality products
  5. How do I learn to use these accessories?

    The 3D printing community is a treasure trove of knowledge. There are countless tutorials, guides, and forums where you can learn from the experiences of others. Don’t be afraid to ask questions – we’re all learning together!


Building the perfect 3D printing setup is like creating a masterpiece – it requires patience, dedication, and the right tools. From essential accessories like quality filament and a sturdy build surface to advanced additions like a 3D scanner or multi-material upgrade, each accessory plays a unique role in enhancing your 3D printing experience.

Just as a painter needs more than a brush to create a work of art, a 3D printing enthusiast needs more than just a printer. It’s time we give these accessories the recognition they deserve. Here’s to our unsung heroes, the accessories, and here’s to countless hours of flawless 3D printing! Happy printing, friends!

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Chuck Manning

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and how it can be used to create new things, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the world of 3D printing that I found my true passion. Today, I continue to pursue my hobby with the same passion and dedication, always looking for new and exciting ways to push the boundaries of 3D printing.

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